Grandios Life : Offering Support In All Areas Of Loss And Grief

Grief is a natural process and is often related to death. However, the truth is, people may grieve for several reasons other than death. It is a set of experiences that involves the loss that someone has around a person, a situation, or an event. While some may grieve due to the sudden death of a person or pet or may grieve due to the loss of a relationship, lost opportunities, health or job, others grieve even during the happiest moments such as a child's marriage, or when children leave home and become independent. It is a personal experience that varies from person to person and affects a person’s mind, emotions, body, and spirit. It is nature’s coping mechanism in which one may experience sadness, anger, confusion, or even relief. However, if the duration of grief is long-lasting and starts to interfere with daily life, a medical condition known as prolonged grief disorder may develop. Grandios Life provides understanding, support, and pathways to well-being for people living w...