Grandios Life : Professional Addiction Counselling In San Diego You Can Trust

Do you know that according to a recent study, nearly half of Americans have a family member or close friend who’s been addicted to drugs and other forms of addiction? Although this number sums up to a whopping 38%, the good news is almost 25% of the people received treatment. Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. It is considered a brain disorder because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control. Apart from drugs, and alcohol, other common addictions include coffee or caffeine, gambling, anger, as a coping strategy, food, technology, and work.

This complex mental condition can result from many biological, environmental, and developmental factors, including:

. Genetics or individual biology

. Family history of addiction

. Peer pressure

. Co-occurring mental health conditions

. Experimentation with substance use at a young age

. Questionable prescribing practices and other factors

So, if you notice a behavioral change in someone, such as increased secrecy, health-related changes, such as insomnia or memory loss, or loss of appetite, then chances are that person might be an addict and needs counseling. 

Grandios Life offers comprehensive Addiction Counselling in San Diego to people struggling with any form of addiction. The trained and experienced counselors offer individualized treatment and a program of recovery for people struggling with addiction. They have expertise in Addiction Counselling in San Diego and aim to send parents back to their kids, sons, and daughters, back to their families, and to restore people into the community. Grandios Life recognizes that the risk of suicide increases amongst addicts. Therefore, the counselors are committed to preventing suicide by offering counseling for suicide prevention in San Diego, which promotes mental well-being. They provide a comfortable environment where people can get the support they need and learn to live healthy, rewarding, and fulfilling lives in recovery.

With Grandios Life, starts your journey to addiction-free and positive mental health.


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